Tuesday 15 September 2015


In the words of Lionel Ritchie "Hello, is it me you're looking for?" I think you'll find that the answer you (and Lionel) will be after is YES! It is me you're looking for!  I haven't blogged in so long, let me be the first to call myself out on that.  No real reason really, but it was great to take some time out and off the internet.  But I'm back! And that means loads of new and exciting things to share with you!

I'm going to kick off by introducing MeeBox, its a brand new subscription service, exclusively related to all things nails!  Subscription boxes are being pushed through peoples letter boxes more frequently than ever before these days, so lets delve into MeeBox and see what it has to offer...

What is a subscription service?

A subscription is a service is something you pay for, usually in advance, and later on in the month (every month) whatever you paid for will arrive; in this case a small box full of magical goodies!!

What is MeeBox?

MeeBox will send 5 nail related items in the box; this consists of 3 nail polishes and 1-2 nail tools and/or treatments.  The polishes they aim to send are "the latest polish colours and timeless classics."
On the 1st of every month, MeeBox will reveal the theme for the upcoming box, which will give you a general idea of the contents without giving the specifics away.  You have until the 21st of each month to decide whether its for you because they begin shipping on the 22nd of each month.

This Months Box...

The début MeeBox theme was California Dreamin' and came with 3 full size nail polishes, a mini sized cuticle oil, nail vinyls/stencils and 3 swatch sticks.

Manicure number 1 featuring the polishes from MeeBox August 2015

Manicure number 2 featuring the polishes and nail vinyls/stencils from MeeBox August 2015

I price checked the contents of this months MeeBox to see if it is really worth the £20.00 price tag...

Color Club - Disco Dress | Found on Amazon for £3.54
Models Own Hyper Gel - Turquoise Gloss | Found on eBay for £5.00
China Glaze - Flip Flop Fantasy | Found on eBay for £5.75
CND - Solar Oil (3.7ml) | Found on eBay for £2.48
Whats Up Nails - Palm Tree Nail Vinyls/Stencils | Only avalible on WhatsUpNails.com for £2.44

Total Cost = £19.21

Tell Me More!

Where can I buy MeeBox?  Click here to head to MeeBox's website for more information.  Alternatively, click here to go straight to the subscription page.

How much does it cost?  For a one-off box, it costs £20.00/per box, if you subscribe to a longer plan for a longer period of time (they have 3 months on offer) it costs £18.00/per box.

Any Coupon codes?  Not at this time.

I'm in the UK! How about shipping?  FREE Shipping!! :)

How long does it take to arrive?  2 - 3 working days from the date of despatch.

Additional Comments:  You can see from my price comparison above there is a 79p price discrepancy, HOWEVER, MeeBox do not charge for postage and packaging.  Furthermore, my price checks above do not include any P&P charges from Amazon or eBay, thus making the total more than £20.00 if you were to purchase these products individually.  
Here's the thing; you cannot put a price on the element of surprise, its genuinely like Christmas when that box pops through your letter box.
As I mentioned above, the debut MeeBox theme was California Dreamin' To follow up, MeeBox announced that their next theme will be Hello Sailor! Click here to snap MeeBox002 up! :)

Come check me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter where you will see video Tutorials for all of the above manicures in the next coming days.

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